We’re currently not aware of any phishing attempts in connection to Hostpoint.
Background image phishing

Protect yourself against phishing!

This info page will tell you what phishing is, how to recognize phishing attacks, and what to do if you encounter a phishing attempt. We’ll also notify you here if phishing e-mails have recently been sent to Hostpoint customers.

Recent phishing reports

Below you will find a list of current phishing messages that are related to Hostpoint or that appear to have been sent by Hostpoint. Please note that messages not explicitly listed here may still constitute phishing attempts.

We are currently unaware of any recent phishing attacks.

Have you received a phishing e-mail with Hostpoint as the sender that isn’t listed in this section? Please let us know here.

Pictogram of a website on a hook with a question mark

What is phishing?

Phishing refers to e-mails (or more rarely, text messages or calls) that attempt, for example, to steal user data and passwords or plant computer viruses or trojans on a computer.

Phishing e-mails can contain fake invoices or tempting offers. They often urge recipients to act immediately to get them to fill in a fake form, click on a link to a fake website or open an infected e-mail attachment.

How to recognize a phishing attack

Pictogram of a man inside a magnifying glass

Check the sender

  • Number 1 Don’t let yourself be pressured. Shocking or urgent-sounding subject lines are intended to spur you to act. Ask yourself: would the sender communicate with me in this way? Does this really seem right? If you’re unsure, log in to the Hostpoint Control Panel directly with your Hostpoint ID. You would be able to see any payment reminders directed at you there.
  • Number 2 Check the sender of the e-mail. Does the URL after the “@” match the sender’s name? Is it spelled correctly, letter for letter? Do you know the sender and have you received other e-mails from them? Are there any discrepancies or does anything unusual stand out?
  • Number 3 If the e-mail was sent at an odd time, this can also be a sign of a phishing attempt.
Preview image of sender information Preview image of sender information
Pictogram of a website inside a magnifying glass

Check the contents

  • Number 4 The salutation in phishing e-mails is often very general and impersonal. Ask yourself: doesn’t the sender usually address me by my name?
  • Number 5 Like the subject line, the body of the e-mail often pressures the recipient to act without thinking it through. Ask yourself: is what I’m being asked to do credible? Does it make sense? Is this how the sender in question usually communicates with me? Can you verify the request independently of the e-mail (for example, by checking the Hostpoint Control Panel)?
  • Take note of the spelling as well: Swiss companies and major international firms normally don’t make spelling or syntax mistakes.
  • Number 6 Hyperlinks: check before clicking! Check the spelling of the domain and do a “mouseover” (= hover; run your mouse over the link) to make sure that the link actually goes to the stated destination.
  • Number 7 Attachments: were you expecting this attachment from the sender? Do you actually need to open the attached file or are you just curious? Remember: attachments often have harmful contents. Also avoid opening compressed files (ZIP) that you weren’t expecting.
Preview image of email content Preview image of email content
Pictogram of a stopwatch with a dollar sign

Never act under pressure!

Don’t let yourself be pressured. A shocking or urgent-sounding subject line is intended to make you act without thinking. Pause for a moment and ask yourself: does Hostpoint ever communicate with me in this way and with this kind of content by e-mail? Does this make sense?

If you’re unsure, log in to the Hostpoint Control Panel directly. Any payment reminders would be visible there.

Learn more about phishing and security on the internet

iBarry is a SISA (Swiss Internet Security Alliance) platform. Hostpoint is a member of this alliance, which aims to make Switzerland’s internet the most secure in the world. Using preventative awareness campaigns, iBarry keeps the population up to date on important cybersecurity topics.

Logo of iBarry

Further information about phishing can also be found on a related topic page on the website of the Swiss Crime Prevention (in German). The Swiss Crime Prevention is an intercantonal office supported by the Conference of Cantonal Justice and Police Directors.

Logo of SKP

Report phishing e-mail or website

Do you suspect that you’ve received a phishing e-mail? Report suspected and obvious attempts at fraud to the following authorities and help protect yourself and others against further attacks:

Pictogram of a document with an exclamation mark

Phishing with a reference to Hostpoint

Have you received a phishing e-mail with a reference to Hostpoint? Let us know about such phishing attempts at the following e-mail address: phishing-report@hostpoint.ch

We ask for your understanding that we cannot respond to the numerous reports we receive personally. During active waves of phishing, we often receive many messages from alert or concerned customers.

We are very grateful for your valuable information!

Pictogram of a document with an exclamation mark

Other phishing e-mails or websites

All other suspicious e-mails or sightings can be reported directly on the anti-phishing page of the National Cyber Security Centre (formerly MELANI).

Frequently asked questions

What is phishing?

Phishing refers to fraudulent attempts to obtain user data, passwords or payment information via e-mail, SMS or telephone, or to infiltrate a computer with viruses or Trojans.

Phishing emails are often fake invoices, immediate requests for payment, or enticing offers, for example. In many cases the recipients are asked to take immediate action.

How can I recognize phishing?

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to identify phishing as such. However, there are some warning signs to look out for that are good for detecting phishing.

  • The sender’s e-mail address does not contain [@hostpoint.ch]
  • Links do not lead to the [hostpoint.ch] domain
  • Subject lines and headings create pressure or demand immediate action
  • Very short deadlines (e.g. within 24, 48 or 72 hours)
  • Price differences between the e-mail and the payment page
  • Multiple spelling mistakes or even different languages in the e-mail
  • Strange mailing time

Never allow yourself to be put under pressure!

If the e-mail text and/or the e-mail subject indicate a high level of urgency, then pause for a moment and consider whether Hostpoint is communicating with you in this way. If you are unsure, log into your Hostpoint Control Panel. Any payment reminders would be visible there.

What should you bear in mind with a phishing email?

If you have carefully checked the content of the email in question and suspect a phishing attempt, follow these rules:

  • As a matter of principle, never allow yourself to be put under time pressure.
  • Never click on any links.
  • Never enter any passwords or personal information.
  • Never make any payments.
  • Forward the e-mail to phishing-report@hostpoint.ch.
  • Delete the phishing e-mail immediately afterwards.

What should I do if I receive a phishing e-mail?

If you suspect a phishing attempt with a questionable e-mail, then you can report your suspicions as well as obvious fraud attempts to any of the following:

  • Phishing with a reference to Hostpoint
    Forward the e-mail to phishing-report@hostpoint.ch.
  • Other phishing e-mails or websites
    Any other suspicious emails or observations can be reported directly via the National Cyber Security Center (formerly MELANI) anti-phishing page.

You can also increase the security of your Hostpoint user account by activating two-factor authentication in your Hostpoint Control Panel. Further information can be found at https://support.hostpoint.ch/en/2fa.

Where can I get more information about phishing?

Information about phishing can be found in many places on the Internet. Hostpoint recommends the information pages by iBarry (platform of the Swiss Internet Security Alliance) and the Swiss Crime Prevention organization (in German).


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